Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quick Saturday Morning Jot

I love getting up early on a Saturday morning (so was NOT me a few years ago, this is what college has done)! But today, the house is warm and cozy, and it's cold raindrops hitting the window pane. Sergie is still asleep and the three kids slept over at a friends house! I miss them, but, took advantage of the quiet to write articles. I love it!

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving! That is my most favorite holiday of all! I love it! I have such a thankful heart and I love turkey. I love turkey!!!

I cannot wait to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade! I have watched it every year for the past 16 years now. I love it! My dream is to be a live spectator one day. That'd be cool!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you all and your love and friendship.



  1. Shannon. I'm looking forward to sharing Thanksgiving with you again this year. Last year was such fun with almost all my nieces and nephews there. Gobble! Gobble!

  2. Hi Aunt Doris!
    I'm glad you are living down here with us now. You'll be with all of us for the Holidays from now on. That'll be so special to me, and to my kids...the whole family.
    I'm glad you have joined the blog. I LOVE YOU!!!
