Friday, November 20, 2009

Broussard and Guzman Friendship

I have another follower: April Broussard!

Thank you for supporting me and my writing! Readers, meet April. She is one of my sweetest friends...our friendship is fairly new, and I am really enjoying her friendship. This lady seeks after the heart of God, and I admire that. She has the most beautiful smile...and she brings much goodness to my life. I believe God forged a frienship between us....little did we know that we both went to NISH and graduated in 1990--the same graduating class, and we never knew each other, but, we share the same circle of friends, etc. We always say "God was saving our friendship for later!"
Our daughters are best friends. That is how I really began to know April. We work together in children's church, and God is so moving in there. I love it!
I love April's children. I love that she has two babies that I can play with. Her daughter, Adrienne, is the most beautiful baby girl...she always makes my heart skip a beat....always. She rounded the corner the other day to come to me and I couldn't help but choke up...I love her. It will be two years this Christmas that I lost my baby to a miscarriage at 3 months. I remember the day April and I were in the bathroom at church, both primping in the mirror. And we both told each other we were expecting! I was so excited! I think we had the SAME due date. But, hers changed. We still were expecting our babies within a week of each other. That would have been so much FUN for me. I lost my baby on Dec. 14. I know my angel is in Heaven with God waiting for me. I don't cry as much anymore. When I find myself "what could have been", I just know to pray and give any sadness to God. But, anyway, I love Adrienne, and she will always hold a special place in my heart!
I love April's other children too. They are blessings!
April helped me paint my living room this past summer...well, April DID paint the living room. ha ha! I got to help and learn how to paint, but, most of all, I got to play with Anthony and Adrienne. I loved it!
God seems to allow our friendship to constantly revolve around Him. I love that, that He'd care enough about us both to bring us together. I love that we can share things honestly and not receive judgment but Christian edification. That is a rare, rare gift that I have attained in my friendship with April. I love her so much. I appreciate her, and her walk with God. LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

  1. aww...Shannon. You are the sweetest person I know. Thank you so much. I am so glad God put us together.
