Friday, November 20, 2009

MY BFF24+1!!!!!!!!

Good morning!

I have FIVE supporters!! Yeah!!
Okay, my BFF24+1 is one of them! KERRY ANNE GOULD RICHARD!!!
Standing on that bus stop for the first 3 days was quiet. Neither one of us spoke--AWKWARD!!! LOL! I was really shy.......I know I stared at her.....and then....she spoke!!! I heard a NORTHERN ACCENT! I asked her: "Where are you from?" she answered, "Massachussetts!" And she smiled.....I smiled back (friendship forged!) and then I told her, "I am from Michgian!" And ever since then, the friendship bonded and grew into 25 years of love and support. I love her so much! I love this woman!
There are so many memories I have with BFF2+1. So many!! I will share as I feel led to write the funny, happy memories! So stay!!

BFF24+1 and Bestie forever


  1. For some reason, my blog took out my sentence that was found between: Kerry Anne Gould Richard and standing at that bus stop....

    What is suppossed to be there is: We met 25 years ago. I was 14. She wore big hooped earrings and a lot of eye make up. I thought she was more advanced than I. My mom had to tell me to wear make up. Ha ha!

  2. Bestie at first I was in tears reading this and then.... I read the comment oh man I almost spit out my corn bread haha. I love you too :)

  3. Ha ha, BFF2+1! I am thankful that I can call you my best friend! I love you so much. I cried writing it, and laughed also about the make up and the make up. I'm so glad you loved me, even though I was shy, tomboyish, and Yankee! LOL!

  4. I am thankful for you too :) You loved me despite my big earrings, way too tight jeans lol, and lotsa makeup :) Us Yankees have to stick together :)

  5. You are right, BFF24+1, I've loved you from the start! I love you no matter what you look like, what you say, what you do, what you believe, what you feel--I LOVE YOU IN ALL THINGS!!
    Yes, us Yankees have to stick together, right on girl!
