Saturday, November 21, 2009

An Aunt Who Will ALWAYS Be Special To Me. Always.

My Aunt Doris has joined my blog! My "Auntie" and "My Aunt Horsey" are loving nicknames I have given her.... Now I get to write about ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!

Oh, where do I start to introduce you all to this wonderful woman? This amazing woman? This woman I have always adored, loved, and looked up to?

People, my Aunt Doris, is a special person. She is my mother's sister, and they are amazingly close. As far back as I can remember, these two sisters have been very close and shared many a good times together. (There is another sister, Aunt Shirley, who is also very special, but she's got to join before I can write about her!)

Aunt Doris has always been good to me. Always. She has always loved me. Always. She has always cared about me and the stuff going on in my life. Always. I know she always was there because she always loved me.

She has a huge, giving heart. She is so interesting to talk to. I love to hear her stories, written and verbal. Yes, she is a writer. God blessed her with the gift of writing, and then through the bloodline, she "passed it down to me." She has always supported my gift of writing. She has always given me edification with my work. I value her opinion, and her help, and yes, even her critiquing. A writer needs that support, that reiteration of good praise and helpful dialougue.

She has always been there for me. I remember her as far back since a pre-schooler. Always loving and took time to talk to me. Not being a greedy child, (I must verify this so it doesn't come out sounding like I was), I used to get excited for my birthday and all the presents I might get. My parents always made my (our) birthdays special and we knew we were loved. But, my Aunt Doris would NEVER miss a birthday. She always had a big box mailed to me at our little home in Buckley. She always sent something special and wanted. Always. I don't recall her ever being late on my birthday packages. Ever. I remember as a child, skipping along the gravel road, by the big, yellow mailbox,waiting for the box to arrive. I'd always look for the mailman to drive up--I could see up that road as far as my eyes would let me. Beautiful country.

She just loved me through my whole life. Up and downs. Always. She wrote a poem for me and Sergio's wedding. She also recited it at my wedding as a surprise. The words she had written (she said God gave her), were absolutely beautiful. I cried when she was reading them because they were intensly honest and astounding. I will never forget that gift...

She is a born-again Christian and has been for as long as I can remember. She graduated from Theological College (I think when she was in her 60s), and that has always inspired me. Wow!

She just lost her husband, my Uncle Ish, my chosen term of endearment--GRAMPS! How sad and lonely she is....but she always gives her grief to God. This isn't to say that she doesn't cry and miss him, but, the fact that she has enough faith such as that in the pain and sorrow of death, is pretty remarkable and amazing. I so wish I had this kind of faith...

There are sooooo many more things I could write about of this woman. I love her with all of my heart, and then some. I LOVE YOU AUNT DORIS!!!

1 comment:

  1. Shannon,
    Thank you for these wonderful compliments although I'm not sure I'm worthy or deserving of all this I'll just pass it on up to Jesus. If I have been any type of influence in your life, it's because of His influence in mine. I love you, "Lump Lump!"
