Friday, November 20, 2009

My Dad Was the First Person I Ever Interviewed...The Beginning of my Journalism Story!

It's Friday night, and I'm in the process of having to write three articles--one due tomorrow with photo-journalism pics and the other due by Monday and the last one is due Wednesday. Wednesday's article is the "Toyota recall" and it's a huge project, worth 200 points. I finally covered all of my interviews--five sources, thank you very much. But, I never knew how FUN it'd be to run around and investigate and find sources. I love journalism! I love, love, love news.

I remember when I first knew that I liked the news. I was 11 years old, in the sixth grade. Mr. Haughn was my teacher. I was a student at Buckley Community School---I LOVED that place! I loved school! That school was awesome!! But, I remember being assigned to watch one out of four topics--we, the student, were able to choose which one to write about. I chose "60 Minutes". I had to watch the show and then write a report on what I watched. I also had to research the topic and interview someone about the topic. Well, being 11 years old, I had no idea I had "chosen my passion," that I would pick up later in life.

I remember that my dad was a huge watcher of "60 Minutes", that is probably why I picked this choice for my homework. I, on the other hand, had never watched or had interest in the show. But, there I was, sitting in the living room with my dad, watching that show. The topic of the show was about Watergate, even though it happened in 1972, the show was re-capping the scandal, and posing new ideas and thoughts on the matter. I remember being FASCINATED!!! Some of it was over my head, but, I got the gist of it that President Nixon wasn't a well-liked president and that he "lied". I also remember that my dad would talk to me about it during the commercial breaks-explaining what it really was all about. I remember asking questions to my dad (hence, my dad was the first person I ever interviewed). I will tell you that today, I know now that my dad is SPECIAL! That man made that assignment fun and interesting to me, he supported me, and gave me his time and attention. At the time, I didn't know to appreciate that, but, now.....oh! I appreciate him so much!!

I wrote that article and realized this was "fun". I remember getting an "A" on that project and Mr. Haughn encouraged me to "write". That I "had a talent" and to "use it". I remember showing my dad that I got an "A" on that Watergate report. Yeah! I wish I still had a copy of that writing piece...

I always remembered this memory because it was special with my dad. I NEVER grew up thinking that I would want to be a reporter/journalist. It wasn't until years later in college that I realized I'd love to be a reporter. I just never put it all together until about five years ago when I started back at the Universtiy of Louisiana. The dream was touched and pursued....THANKS DAD! I love you!


  1. Shannon, nice piece. I enjoyed reading it. I just read it to your mom and she liked it, too.

  2. awww. Thank you Aunt Doris and Mom! I love you both!
