Sunday, December 6, 2009

"What A Jewell Heaven Beholds"-By Shannon H. Guzman

"What A Jewell Heaven Beholds"-By: Shannon Hayes Guzman (Dedicated to my friend.)Share
Today at 10:27pm | Edit Note | Delete
Yes, it's Christmas time--
where the lights on the tree flicker and shine...
but, there is a brighter light up in Heaven with God today--
what a Jewell Heaven beholds, His majestic glow is lighting her way...

Her radiant smile now smiles at Jesus, On the other side, He is her winner--
Her blue-Jewelled eyes now twinkle along with the angels dazzling shimmer...
Her love is enveloped in the most perfect place to be--
Her happiness is now completed, and she is surrounded by peace...

As much as we miss her down here on this old Earth--
we must remember her goodness, her beauty, and worth...
And remember her strength, her character, and wonderful heart--
we must always take her with us, and never, ever let her memory part...

Her motherhood qualities were those deserving of utmost respect--
Her love for Tae Kwon Do are memories left for us to beautifully reflect...
And if you feel lost and somehow cannot see through your tears--
Just visit your God who will comfort your sadness and fears...

For it is Him we must go to when things seem too tough--
and it is Him we must lean on when life gets too rough...
He is the answer to our questions and private-minded thoughts--
For He is the one who desires to help us with our pain and wrenching wroughts...

She was a Jewell to everyone, especially to her children--
She smiled while in pain, and had that fighter mentality to always win...
When you think of this beautiful friend that we've lost--
just lift up in prayer, Hannah and Lydia, for the tears they'll accost...

I know Heaven shines brighter now with a thousand more watts--
because a Jewell traveled there, where she is unconditionally loved a lot...
She is free from her pain, and any worry or sorrow--
and God is now promised in her each and every tomorrow...

I will always remember this Jewell of a girl--
who bedazzled my childhood, and shined faith into my world...
May she forever be rested, and filled with laughter and love--
and be crowned with Jewell after Jewell by Our Heavenly Father up above....

RIP ~Stasha Jewell Kastenschmidt~
Love you forever my beautiful friend.
By: Shannon Hayes Guzman
December 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Two Yankees Met On A Southern Louisiana Sidewalk--God's Hand Was In It All Along

So, I'm sitting here, in my house alone...the kids are at school and Sergie is at work. I don't have classes until later, and this is the first morning in a while that I have "nothing" to what do I do? WRITE.
With Tad (Weiner dog) and Licorice (black cat) BOTH curled up on me, I am blogging on here. I love it. The Christmas tree is winking at me every second, and the quiet of the house envelopes me...(wow. No morning news for me today, I took the "day off" from that...).
So, I'm due at my MIL's house shortly, but, wanted to take the time to write freely and really put my feelings into concrete words today.
I read about MYSELF on my Best Friend's blog (Kerry). She is my BFF24+1, always!! The numbers are the years we've been BF's...the 1 will change to 2 in August...
I've written about BFF24+1 on here...but, today I'm going to write differently about her...because I feel led to....and I want her to know how special she is...oh, so much.
You see, I believe God put us was not just coincidence that she and I met so many years ago at the bus stop. I believe in God's destiny...He destined that we'd be friends...BEST ONES actually...Do you honestly believe it was coincidence that TWO YANKEES met on a Southern Louisiana sidewalk at young ages just because? Oh no, His hand was in it all along....
His hand has been in our friendship for 25 years now. Oh, the memories we share....I love them all, each and every one. I love this woman. I love her so much!!! There are so many ppl who are a curious about our CODE NICKNAMES for each other, and when I tell them, they Love it. I am her BESTIE! Isn't that just the CUTEST?!?! I love it. It's my name...just for makes me feel loved.
I am very sad that my BFF24+1 moved back up North. I miss her. There are days I am like "I need to go to BFF24+1's house and have COFFEE and sit on the front porch and just talk"...and then I realize she "isn't here". I miss her. I am very lonesome without her here...I hate it that we live so far apart...thank God for computer/fb/texting/cells. I love snail mail...and my BFF24+1 is better at that than I am....I never, ever want to lose this woman from my life. It would kill me.
My BFF24+1 is absolutely beautiful. Her eyes are the greenest color I have ever seen..and oh boy, does she show each and every emotion in those eyes....I've seen them all I! She is pretty. The kind of pretty that doesn't need make-up. Lucky girl. But, she does wear the EYE SHADOW when she feels she needs too.... LOL!!
My BFF24+1 has had a happy and rough life at times, and many a sad things have happened. I won't publicly share them on here...but know, this woman is strong. Very strong. I hurt bc she hurts. I wish I could take the pain from her life. But, I know that only God can do that...I'm here for her. I hope she always knows that, believes in that, and acts on that promise WHENEVER she needs it...needs me....
She's coming to my graduation. Wow. Do you know how much that means to me? Oh, boy. I can't wait to see her. I def will get that college dipoloma if it is the last thing I do...just to see my BFF24+1, oh yeah!!!
She is going to be a Congrats to her!! I can't believe it. And the baby is almost here...I'm going to be a "Great Aunt"--that's what I've been adopted to for HARMONII! Oh yeah!!!
Well, I better get going. Just had to all these feelings that were conjured up. I just want my BFF24+1 to know how much she means to me and my life. Connected always we are: BFF24+1 and Bestie!!!